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Welcome to Pakenham Scouts Group

Joeys: Tuesday 5.30pm to 6.30 pm
Cubs: Monday Night 6.30pm to 8.00 pm
Scouts: Tuesday 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Venturers: Monday 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1800 SCOUTS

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The Committee are all volunteers, giving up their time and effort at no cost to the Group. They meet at 7pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Scout Hall.

The Group Committee is generally comprised of the parents of current scouts members, and the Group Leader is also an ex-offico member of the Committee. The Committee is responsible for the financial management of the Group and the maintenance of its resources. The Committee is also responsible, along with the Group Leader, for making sure that sufficient resources are available for the section leaders to provide quality programs for youth. The Committee and the Group Leader are also responsible for identifying new section leaders, should vacancies arise.

The Committee administers the collection of fees on behalf of the Group and Scouts Victoria, coordinates fundraising activities, manages hall hire, and is responsible for the purchase of whole-of-group materials and assets. The Committee Treasurer must also prepare audited financial reports for presentation to the Scouts Victoria following the end of each financial year. The Committee is elected annually by parents and community members who have an interest in the Group.

Current members of the Committee are:

Libby, Group Leader
Lara, Assistant Group Leader
Mandy, Treasurer
, Fundraising Coordinator
Daniel and Michael, Quartermaster
, PR & Website Manager


Updated on 2024-08-30T10:42:03+10:00, by dwayne_f60v7b40.